“Evaluation of Life Care Plans Developed by a Private Rehabilitation Consulting Agency for Victims of Abuse Utilizing the IALCP Standards of Practice as a Base” Journal of Life Care Planning, …
What is Aging and How is it Different with a Disability?
Professional Case Management, September/October 2009 Issue; co-authored by: Lawrence S. Forman, M.Ed., J.D.; Darlene M. Carruthers, M.Ed.; and Ronnie B. Londner, M.Ed.
Don’t Forget the Family: Family Systems Approach
“Don’t Forget the Family: Family Systems Approach”, NARPPS The Rehabilitation Professional. Authored by Darlene M. Carruthers, M.Ed.
Being a Guardian is a Big Responsibility
Topics covered include: what is guardianship; who may be a guardian; how is guardianship established; how to become a guardian; types of guardianships; responsibilities of a guardian; guardianship plans; annual …
Glossary of Human Services Terminology
This resource provides a wealth of convenient information on hundreds of terms and concepts. In writing reports, including affidavits, depositions, and trial preparations, this booklet will provides access to standard …
Aging & Life Expectancy with Disability
An interesting and valuable resource for professionals working with the older client, or developing cases, including life care plans, for the older client. The booklet contains relevant information with respect …