INTO THE FUTURE is a program consisting of a workbook and accompanying materials designed to help families with a disabled dependent, and those advising them, to collect the information needed to develop a future care plan. It prompts caregivers to address questions that often trouble them, such as:
- Who will look after my disabled family member after I’m gone?
- How will my family in another state know what to do?
- How will a future caregiver know my loved one’s favorite foods, activities, and medical needs?
- What is a guardian and how do I know if I need to appoint one?
- Will there be enough money for my dependent’s lifelong care?
- What is the best way to provide financially for my loved one?
- How can I safeguard the individual’s quality of life?
INTO THE FUTURE is designed to help find answers to these and other critical questions. It helps caregivers gain peace of mind by assuring that the future security of their loved one has been planned for. It also assists professionals, such as attorneys and accountants, in their efforts to assist in the planning process.
INTO THE FUTURE prompts you to start compiling what is needed to meet the individual’s special needs in the long-term. The workbook is divided into sections that guide the reader through the topics in a way that is not overwhelming. Topics such as life history, habits and preferences, medical history and needs, financial assets and needs, legal considerations, and the caregiver’s thoughts and intentions for the future are addressed.
The INTO THE FUTURE workbook is unique in its coverage of the individual’s personal preferences in addition to their basic needs. The workbook is a well-organized collection of this information to guide future caregivers.
The workbook and accompanying materials also offer information about alternative ways of planning that may be considered. It provides a platform for taking further planning steps with professionals.
Sample pages for Into the future workbook
Planning for tomorrow
As the parent of a child with a disability, there are many decisions that need to be made as he/she grows and reaches different stages of life. There are things that only you know about your child’s likes and dislikes, preferences, habits, etc. But what would happen to your child if you were no longer able to care for him/her? How would you ensure, to the best of your ability that your wishes will be carried out by another person? Who would you choose to be guardian of your child? These are difficult questions to answer. Isn’t the thought of not planning for the future and leaving everything to chance more difficult? Although the future is uncertain, there is something you can do…plan for your child’s future now in case you’re not able to do so later. How you ask? INTO THE FUTURE is the answer. Learn about how you can look out for your child’s future interests by using the INTO THE FUTURE workbook to gather the necessary documents and prepare an organized collection of materials that pertain to every aspect of your child’s life.
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Sample pages for Into the future workbook
Are you one of the many professionals who assist in the care and security of clients with disabilities and their families? A trust or guardianship attorney? A trust officer? A financial planner? A disability service provider? As such, you look out for your clients’ best interests and assume a role of responsibility to the individual with a disability. What do you do if the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) become incapacitated or perish? Do you know what their wishes were? How much do you know about the person with the disability? His/her doctors, therapists, religious affiliation, likes and dislikes? Do you know if there was a preference for successor guardian? By educating your clients about INTO THE FUTURE, you not only empower them to plan for the future of their loved one, you make your job a lot easier if a tragedy was to strike in the families of your clients. When you order your workbook, you’ll also receive the Able Trust’s “Estate Planning for Special Needs Families” and John Staunton’s “Primer on Special Needs Trusts.” They provide expanded insight into some of the legal options involved in ensuring a secure future for a dependent child or adult with a disability.
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Sample pages for Into the future workbook
Do you have an aging parent or relative that you care for? Are you struggling to keep up with the daily demands of being a caregiver? Do you worry about what will happen to them if something should happen to you? Let INTO THE FUTURE help you ease your burden. Put all of the important documents and vital information about your loved one into the workbook. Its different sections make it easy to gather what’s needed and arrange it into an organized collection. Once it’s completed, you will have the peace of mind that you’ve longed for. If you make the difficult decision to place your loved one into a long-term care facility, all the information they will need and you will want them to have will be in the workbook. It will greatly ease the transition for everyone.
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Sample pages for Into the future workbook
Facilities that provide long-term care to people with disabilities and the aged must be prepared in the event of the death of the immediate family member(s). By having the INTO THE FUTURE workbook completed, it enables the loved one’s information to be passed on to other family members and/or professionals. The facility does not have to be burdened with locating other family members and then procuring documents and information to them. Everything is all neatly organized in the workbook!
Click here to order your copy.