Life Care Plans As defined by the International Academy of Life Care Planners in their standards of practice, “the life care plan is a dynamic document based upon published standards …
Transitioning from remote learning to the classroom
Schooling during COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the academic school year for many families throughout the country. While many grappled with a variety of uncertainties both in and out of …
The ADA, IDEA, and COVID-19
IDEA and the ADA IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) is a law that was originally introduced to Congress in 1975 and revamped in 2004 and 2015. The purpose of …
What is the ADA and what might schools look like without it?
The ADA Turns 30 This year the Americans with Disabilities Act, also known as the ADA, celebrated its 30th anniversary. This legislation is often thought to be the world’s first …
Life Care Plans by Rehabilitation Consulting for Victims of Abuse
“Evaluation of Life Care Plans Developed by a Private Rehabilitation Consulting Agency for Victims of Abuse Utilizing the IALCP Standards of Practice as a Base” Journal of Life Care Planning, …
Into the Future Workbook
INTO THE FUTURE is a comprehensive program that assists families and their advisors in answering some of the most complicated questions of a lifetime. Its goal is to reduce the …
What is Aging and How is it Different with a Disability?
Professional Case Management, September/October 2009 Issue; co-authored by: Lawrence S. Forman, M.Ed., J.D.; Darlene M. Carruthers, M.Ed.; and Ronnie B. Londner, M.Ed.
Don’t Forget the Family: Family Systems Approach
“Don’t Forget the Family: Family Systems Approach”, NARPPS The Rehabilitation Professional. Authored by Darlene M. Carruthers, M.Ed.
Being a Guardian is a Big Responsibility
Topics covered include: what is guardianship; who may be a guardian; how is guardianship established; how to become a guardian; types of guardianships; responsibilities of a guardian; guardianship plans; annual …
Glossary of Human Services Terminology
This resource provides a wealth of convenient information on hundreds of terms and concepts. In writing reports, including affidavits, depositions, and trial preparations, this booklet will provides access to standard …