Confidentiality Statement
Disclosure of information is restricted to what is necessary, relevant, and verifiable with respect to the individual’s right to privacy. Our files, reports, records, and working environment are maintained under conditions of security and with provisions for proper destruction of records when appropriate. We comply with the privacy requirements set forth by HIPAA for the protection of personal health information and will not release information to any outside parties without proper authorization. We do not condone or engage in discrimination based on age, color, culture, disability, ethnic group, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, or socioeconomic status.
Comprehensive Rehabilitation Consultants, Inc. seeks to ensure that all content and information published at this website is current and accurate and reserves the right to modify it at any time. The information at this website does not in any way constitute legal or professional advice and Comprehensive Rehabilitation Consultants, Inc. cannot be held liable for actions arising from its use. In addition, Comprehensive Rehabilitation Consultants, Inc. cannot be held responsible for the contents of any externally linked pages. Unless otherwise stated, you may access and download the materials located on this site only for personal, non-commercial use. Please be aware that the services described on this website may not be offered at every location. Each location may be contacted for further information about services provided.
Case management, habilitation/rehabilitation defined
Habilitation and Rehabilitation are structured programs designed to enable individuals to progress as much as possible toward their maximum degree of physical, mental, social and economic self-sufficiency. Programs begin with evaluations as needed. These could include occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, psychological, neuro-psychological, medical, psycho-social and others as needed. The evaluations outline what people can do on their own without any help, what care and treatment they need, and what the goals are. It also outlines what they should be able to do if they get an accommodation or equipment, what they can’t do or should not do, and if they need someone else to do it for them.
Habilitation helps people with disabilities that started at a very early age, before they had acquired the skills to take care of themselves. It comprises services that help disabled individuals learn to do things for the first time. Through habilitation, individuals begin to learn to do things that most people learn, but in ways that have been specifically adapted for their disabilities.
Rehabilitation takes place when people become injured and disabled, and need to reacquire the ability to do things they could do before. Rehabilitation helps people to restore skills and abilities they once had. In contrast to habilitation, where individuals learn things for the first time, individuals in rehabilitation work to relearn tasks they were previously capable of performing.